Welcome to Henry County, Iowa Official Website
100 E. Washington Street Mount Pleasant
Board of Supervisors
The Henry County Board of Supervisors and all of the individual County departments would like to welcome you to the Official Henry County Government web site.The purpose of this site is to extend the Court House and many of it's public services onto the internet and into your home or office.
It is our desire to provide our services in an efficient and convenient manner to the citizens of Henry County, and interests outside our county, 24 hours a day/7 days a week/365 days a year.
Beginning 1/22/2024, Pursuant to 321M.9, customers
who do not reside in Henry County will be assessed a $10.00 convenience fee for driver’s license services unless they pay property taxes in Henry County and provide proof of payment.
Driver License Hours
Monday - Friday 8: 00 am - 4: 00 pm.
All Driver License Services by Appointment Only
Boat renewals for the 2025 - 2028 renewal cycle has begun in the
Recorder’s Office
Recent Documents
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Click here to visit the website for the National Weather Service Office serving
Board Documents
Board of Supervisors meeting agendas and minutes for the County are available online for many of the past years.
Election Notices
Find out more about all Election happenings in Henry County including
the new combined City and School Elections.
Recorder's Office
Do you need a Certified Copy of an
Iowa Birth, Death or Marriage record?
Pay Taxes
Pay your taxes and registrations online! Iowa Treasurer's provide
an online portal for all of your payment needs.
This article is issued by the National Archives and Records Administration, an agency of the United States Federal Government.
This article is issued by the Department of State, an agency of the United States Federal Government.
This article is issued by the Department of Energy, an agency of the United States Federal Government.
This article is issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, an agency of the United States Federal Government.