Dallas County Crimes and Crime Data Search
Public Records Search
Arrest Records, Crimes and Crime Data, GIS and Mapping, Land Records and Deeds, Police RecordsView Highland Park Police Department interactive crime map by incident type, date, time and location.
Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Employee DirectoryView Irving Municipal Court webpage, including contact information, business hours, court duties and advisories.
Arrest Records, Crimes and Crime Data, GIS and Mapping, Land Records and Deeds, Police RecordsSearch Irving Police Department crime map filtered by address or location.
Arrest Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police RecordsView Irving Police Department crime reports and mapping general information including speed trailer data, unified crime report, crime map.
Crimes and Crime Data, Jail and Inmate Records, Police RecordsView Irving Police Department's jail inmates by name, photo, charge, current address and arrest location.
Arrest Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police RecordsView Irving Police Department press releases, including photographs, by date and time.
Crimes and Crime Data, Employee Directory, Police RecordsView Irving Police Department's general information page, including contact information and crime maps.
Arrest Records, Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police RecordsSearch Lancaster Municipal Court violation records by driver's license, last name, vehicle information or citation number.
Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Employee DirectoryView Lancaster Municipal Court general information page, including contact details, location, and office hours.
Arrest Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police RecordsSearch Lancaster Police Department events by date, name, address and case number.
Arrest Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police RecordsView Lancaster Police Department daily bulletin by date, case number, description and officer.
Arrest Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police Records, WarrantsSearch Lewisville City Municipal Courts warrants database for active unpaid warrants for traffic violations by last name, first letter of last name.
Crimes and Crime Data, Jail and Inmate RecordsView Lewisville police department inmate list, including photographs, by name, date and charge.
Crimes and Crime Data, Police Records, Sex Offender RegistrationView Lewisville Police Department sex offender registry including names, addresses, date of birth and offenses.
Crimes and Crime Data, Employee Directory, Jail and Inmate Records, Police RecordsView Lewisville Police Department web page for general information page, including contact information and community information.
Arrest Records, Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police Records, WarrantsSearch Mesquite Municipal Court active warrant database by last name.
Arrest Records, Court Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police Records, WarrantsSearch Mesquite Municipal Court active warrant database by last name.
Arrest Records, Crimes and Crime Data, Police RecordsView Mesquite Police Department accident, incident and offense reports ordering and payment instructions.
Crimes and Crime Data, Jail and Inmate Records, Police RecordsView Mesquite Police Department's jail list by name, charge, bond amount and fine amount.
Crimes and Crime Data, Employee Directory, Police RecordsView Mesquite Police Department's general information page, including contact information and public notices.
Dallas County Community Health and Safety Search
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