Washington County Laws and Codes Search
Public Records Search
Laws and Codes, Sustainability and Environmental HealthView the City of Eastport city charter and ordinances including zoning ordinance, floodplain ordinance, and others.
Laws and Codes, Sustainability and Environmental HealthView the Town of Addison ordinances including shoreland zoning ordinance, floodplain ordinance, land use ordinances, and others.
Assessor and Property Tax Records, GIS and Mapping, Laws and CodesView Town of Cutler shoreland zoning ordinance, zoning map and tax maps including tax map index.
Laws and CodesView Town of Lubec harbor ordinance and shellfish ordinance.
GIS and Mapping, Laws and CodesView Town of Machiasport ordinances such as addressing ordinance, dog control ordinance, floodplain ordinance and maps such as public facilities map, transportation map and other maps.
Laws and Codes, Permits and InspectionsView the Town of Pembroke ordinances including emergency management, building permit ordinance, and others.