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Vital Records: Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Certificates
Vital records include birth, death, marriage and divorce/dissolution certificates. Certified copies of vital records can be obtained from any Town Clerk within specific date ranges.
Births 1935 to present (except 1949 & 1950)
Deaths 1965 to present
Marriages 1960 to present
Divorces 1979 to within 6 months from the present search date
Civil Unions 2008 & 2009
Dissolutions 2008 to within 6 months from the present search date
Certified copies for events prior to these dates must be secured from the Town/City Clerk where the event occurred. For example, if a birth or death occurred at a hospital the record would be held in the city/town where the hospital was located. For marriages, the record would be held in the city/town where the original license was obtained.
To obtain a certified copy of a “current” birth record (within 100 years of the current year) or any other record (within 50 years of the current year) you must have a direct interest in the record (self, spouse, mother, father, child, etc). If you are uncertain if you have a direct interest in the record, please feel free to contact us. Records prior to the “current” period are available to the public without direct interest. The records maintained at the Town Hall date back to 1780. Some of Durham/Oyster River Plantation records prior to Durham’s incorporation in 1732 are maintained in Dover and Exeter. A request may be made in person, by mail or e-mail and must include the name(s) as shown on the certificate, the date of the event, the purpose for which the certificate is requested and your relationship to the person on the document. A copy of your driver’s license, passport or some other form of identification is required. There is a $15 fee for record searching. If the record is found, you will receive a certified copy. If you require more than one copy of a record, each additional copy of the same record purchased at the same time is $10. Checks should be made payable to The Town of Durham. Requests should be mailed to Town Clerk,
8 Newmarket Road, Durham, New Hampshire 03824.
For your convenience, we are now able to offer Vital Record Copies online. To use this new feature simply select the Services tab, on the drop down menu select Online Vital Records, and supply the requested information. The Vital Record will be processed and mailed to you. As always, you can also come into the office or mail in a request for a vital record. For fee information, select the Department tab, on the drop down menu select Town Clerk/Tax Collector and Vital Records.
Click the link below to access your records online.