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Presented by Kansas Genealogy Trails
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Rooks County, Kansas
History and Genealogy

Founded: February 26, 1867
The county seat is Stockton.

A view from the hillside outside of Stockton.

Named for Private John C. Rooks of the 11th Kansas Infantry who died December 11, 1862 of wounds received at the Battle of Prairie Grove near Fayetteville, Arkansas, during the civil war.


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First settlers: Joseph, James, Thomas, John and Francis McNulty; Tunis Bulls, John Wells, John Powell, Seal Northrup and Capt. J. Owens.

First woman settler: Mrs. Robert E. Martin, who came with her husband and family in the fall of 1871.

First house erected: February 1871 by the McNulty Brothers, 2 1/2 miles south of town on the south side of the South Solomon.

First marriage: January 1, 1873 William E. Newton was married to Mary M. Young, by B.M. Cooper, a Justice of the Peace.

First birth: Myrtle Maude, daughter of Thomas McNulty, born December 25, 1871 on Elm Creek, 3 miles east and south of Stockton.

First death: Erastas Foster, 2 miles from Stockton, in the spring of 1878. He was buried in the Stockton graveyard.

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