Civil Foreclosure - Real and Personal Property Sales

Sheriff's Office Badge

The sheriff conducts judicial real property sales on a case-by-case basis. Judicial real property sales are advertised in the Register-Guard newspaper and on the Oregon State Sheriff's Association website (OSSA).  Sheriff's Office Real Property Sales are held Tuesday and Thursday at 10 am in the front lobby of the Sheriff's Office; located at 125 E 8th Avenue, Eugene. View our list of current properties and dates of sales.

Most sales, even though held at the courthouse steps, are non-judicial trustee sales. The courts and the sheriff are not involved in these sales and do not have any information concerning the properties.

The Sheriff also conducts Judicial Personal Property Sales on a case by case basis.   See Personal Property Sales left panel.

How do I get a Sheriff's deed?

What does the Sheriff’s Office need to enforce a Writ of Garnishment for a safety deposit box?