Wood County, Wisconsin - Cemeteries

For details about a cemetery's location:

View Wood County (Wisconsin) Cemeteries in a larger map

  • The Library has a card file of burials that was compiled in the mid 1970s. Email us requests. HOWGS is compiling an update.
  • Open our map. From that map, you can find all the cemeteries,their locations and links to their listings. Driving directions are also available.  Or

Click on cemetery name in the list below to open a map showing its location.

  • HOWGS (Heart O' Wisconsin Genealogical Society) lookups link to their website and reflect recently compiled records.
  • City of Marshfield lookups link to their website and reflect current records.
  • McMillan lookups reflect records as of the mid 1970s. 
  • Some smaller cemeteries have no existing records.

Name Township GPS Location Lookup
Arpin (map of cemetery) Arpin 44.54375,
NW Corner of Pine Road and Co. E HOWGS
Emmanuel Lutheran Arpin 44.530657,
On Oak Road, just north of  Butternut Road, just south of Arpin HOWGS
Evangelical Free (Swedish Church, North Arpin) Arpin 44.557696,
Richfield Drive, west of Hwy. 186, just north of Arpin. HOWGS
Indian Bill Arpin 44.537021,
Park Road. Take Co. E South from Arpin to Bluff Dr. or follow signs to Powers Bluff County Park. Indian Bill is located near park exit. No Records
John Na-Wee Indian Arpin 44.537021,
Park Road. Take Co. E South from Arpin to Bluff Dr. or follow signs to Powers Bluff County Park. John Ne-Wee is at top of hill. No Records
Greenwood Auburndale 44.625481,
On North Road .5 mile south of HWY 10, on east side of road HOWGS
Norwegian Lutheran (North Auburndale) Auburndale 44.649116,
Corner of Co. M and Y, north of Auburndale HOWGS
Old St. Mary's Catholic Auburndale 44.633849,
One mile north of Auburndale on the northeast corner of Yellowstone and North Roads HOWGS
Slidre Norwegian Lutheran (Sledrie) Auburndale 44.615523,
3 miles west of Auburndale at corner of Mill Creek and Day Roads HOWGS
St. John's Lutheran (Auburndale) Auburndale 44.635315,
Located west of Auburndale on east side of Shady Road, just north of railroad tracks. HOWGS
St. Mary's Catholic Auburndale 44.630917,
Located next to St. Mary's Church, 5866 Main St, Auburndale HOWGS
Trinity Lutheran Cameron 44.618089,
On Hwy 10 one half mile west of Hwy 10/13 junction. HOWGS
Dexterville & Indian cemeteries Dexter 44.372582,
On south side of HWY 54 just west of HWY 80 junction HOWGS
Cruikshank cemetery (extinct) Grand Rapids 44.395033,
On Drake Street at the foot of the hill or at site of water tower (Franklin and 10th) Extinct
Forest Hill cemetery  (map of cemetery) Grand Rapids 44.397425,
On the east side of Wisconsin Rapids on HWY 54 at Spring Street, just east of the railroad overpass. McMillan-index
McMillan-listing (through mid-1970s)
Calvary Catholic cemetery 
(map of cemetery)
Grand Rapids 44.397425,
On the east side of Wisconsin Rapids on HWY 54 at Spring Street, just east of the railroad overpass. McMillan (through mid 1970s)
Restlawn Memorial  (map of cemetery) Grand Rapids 44.418701,
East of Wisconsin Rapids on Hwy 54 at Huffman Road McMillan (through 1997)
St. John's Lutheran
 (map of cemetery), Photos of markers
Grant Township, Portage County 44.36436,
On north side of South Park Road, one half mile east of 80th (Co. U/W) HOWGS
Faith Reformed Hansen 44.48579,
On Birch Street (Co. C) in Vesper HOWGS
St. James Catholic Hansen 44.487076,
Three quarters of a mile north of Vesper on north side HWY 186 near corner of Grant Road HOWGS
St. John's Lutheran Hansen 44.442237,
On Elm Road, 3/4 mile south of HWY 13. HOWGS
Trinity Lutheran (Vesper) Hansen 44.485056,
Take HWY 186 north from Vesper. Turn left onto Grant Rd. Cemetery is on the left. HOWGS
Corpus Christi Catholic Lincoln 44.629329,
On north side of Co. BB just east of junction with Co. B HOWGS
Grace Lutheran Lincoln 44.602568,
Behind church, northeast corner of HWY 10 and Eagle Road. HOWGS
Emmanuel Lutheran (Immanuel Lutheran) Marshfield/ Hewitt 44.645575,
On Yellowstone Road, just west of junction with Co. T (Main Street) HOWGS
Gate of Heaven Catholic cemetery 
(map of cemetery)
Marshfield 44.676038,
Adjacent to Hillside Municipal cemetery Marshfield City
Hillside Lutheran  (map of cemetery) Marshfield 44.676038,
Adjacent to Gate of Heaven Marshfield City
Hillside Municipal cemetery
 (map of cemetery)
Marshfield 44.676038,
St. Joseph's Avenue in Marshfield Marshfield City
Queen of Heaven Marshfield 44.676038,
Enter between Hillside and Gate of Heaven cemeteries. Marshfield City
St. Michael's Catholic Marshfield 44.647162,
11100 Main St, Hewitt, WI. Cemetery is behind church. HOWGS
St. Killian's Catholic Milladore 44.617966,
Blenker, Wisconsin. Cemetery is behind church. HOWGS
St. Wenceslaus Catholic
 (map of cemetery)
Milladore 44.60764,
Southeast corner of West Street and Cherney Road in Milladore.               HOWGS
Union Protestant Milladore 44.60764,
East side of West Street between Cherney and 2nd Streets. HOWGS
Civil War Grave (Jones Burial) Port Edwards 44.344415,
On the river bank near former Domtar paper mill HOWGS
Port Edwards Municipal
(map of cemetery)
Port Edwards 44.348159,
1.5 miles west of Port Edwards on HWY 54, on the south side of road  just after the Moccasin Creek bridge. HOWGS
Riverside cemetery
 (map of cemetery)
Port Edwards 44.32569,
Prospect Ave (HWY 73) in Nekoosa HOWGS
Sacred Heart Catholic cemetery
(map of cemetery)
Port Edwards 44.32569,
Prospect Ave (HWY 73) in Nekoosa HOWGS
Remington (Babcock)
 (map of cemetery)
Remington 44.312242,
On HWY 80 one mile north of Babcock HOWGS
Brooklawn (Brook Lawn Memorial Gardens) Richfield 44.595112,
Corner of HWY 13 and Eisenhower Drive, Richfield Township HOWGS
Far View (Richfield) Richfield 44.607457,
On north side of Co. EE, just east of HWY 13 junction. HOWGS
Richardson Plot Richfield 44.599024,
Section 8, NW 1/4 of SW 1/4. No markers extant. HOWGS
Seventh Day Adventist (Bethel) Richfield 44.536592
On west side of Bethel Road, between Co. N and Weber Drive. HOWGS
Progress Rock 44.543505,
Middle of section 33 HOWGS
Rock Township Rock 44.600002,
Southeast corner HWY 10 and Eagle Road. HOWGS
All Souls Rudolph 44.45878,
Near junction of HWY 34 and Co. C HOWGS
St. John's Lutheran Rudolph 44.421889,
North of Wisconsin Rapids. Take Co. P to Meadowview Drive. HOWGS
St. Phillip's (St. Philomena) Rudolph 44.493199,
West of the corner of Maple Road and 5th Avenue, one half mile south of Co. C HOWGS
Durell Burial Saratoga 44.266592,
Blue Ridge Lane, Section 29, Crystal property. HOWGS
Ensign Burial Saratoga 44.263949,
Section 33 NW 1/4 near Ten Mile Creek HOWGS
Greenhill cemetery  (map of cemetery) Saratoga 44.296087,
NE corner of Ten Mile Road and Co. Z, three miles south of HWY 73. HOWGS
Pattee Family Saratoga   Unknown, maybe Section 26, SW 1/4 HOWGS
Pioneer  (map of cemetery) Saratoga 44.341898,
Southeast corner of 48th Street South and Townline Road HOWGS
Ross Lake (Indian Mound) Saratoga 44.274459,
 Section 26, in SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 and NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 No Records
Anawash (Indian) Seneca 44.428386,
 Section 7, NW 1/4 of NE 1/4. From Wisconsin Rapids take HWY 13 to Co. Q. Private property. No Records
St. Joseph's Seneca 44.425934,
On Co. D, three miles south of HWY 13. Behind church. HOWGS
White Indian cemetery (private) Seneca 44.402024,
On Co. Q five miles west of Wisconsin Rapids. Section 7 NW 1/4 No Records
Wood County (Poor Farm) Seneca 44.381048,
On Seneca Road, one half mile west of HWY 54/73 HOWGS
Fairview cemetery Sherry 44.596701,
From Sherry, take Co. F south to Dairy Road. Go west about one half mile. HOWGS
Bethany Lutheran Sigel 44.490383,
On southeast corner of Swedish Road and Co. C. HOWGS
Christian Reformed Sigel 44.496016,
 Tenpas Road just west of Co. F junction. HOWGS
First English Lutheran (Bethesda) Sigel 44.475196,
Co. S at Pine Road HOWGS
Frid-Hem Sigel 44.497975,
Corner of Co. C and Lundberg Road HOWGS
Gaulke Plot Sigel 44.463681,
Sigel Township, Section 20 NE 1/4, one half mile north of intersection of Co. HH and Finup Road. HOWGS
Griesbach Sigel 44.465764,
Near corner of Apple and Ruess Roads HOWGS
Holy Rosary Catholic Sigel 44.473114,
On east side of Chapel Road, between Town Hall and Ervin Roads HOWGS
St. John's Lutheran (Sigel) Sigel 44.426793,
Corner of Fisher and St. John Roads in Siegel Township HOWGS
St. Paul's Lutheran Sigel 44.455717,
On east side Co. D just south of junction with HWY 13.  HOWGS
Weber/Parkhurst Burials Sigel 44.485607,
Sigel Township, Section 13, SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 HOWGS
Mound cemetery (map of cemetery) Wood 44.449039,
First Avenue (Hwy 80) just south of HWY 13/73 in Pittsville HOWGS
Founders cemetery (Pittsville) Wood 44.44671,
Corner of Jackson Street and First Avenue, Pittsville HOWGS
St. Joachim's Catholic Wood 44.446588,
On HWY 80 in Pittsville, just south of HWY 13 junction. HOWGS