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Bates County, Missouri
Genealogy Trails Website

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Bates County
Is on the western boundary of the State, near the middle on a north and south line.
The territory now embraced within this county was first settled by Missionaries sent out by the American Board of Foreign Missions in 1818, and "Harmony Mission" where their school and church was located, is shown upon many of the older maps.
(For a full history of the operations of this mission, see "Missouri As It Is," in 1865, page 184).

Bates County is situated upon the dividing ground between the waters of Grand River on the north, and Marias des Cigne on the south.
The prairies are high, rich and rolling; the only poor land in the county being that upon the high limestone ridges, which are covered with timber.  In the North-west portion of the county, the prairies are large. The bottoms along the larger streams are well timbered. Springs are abundant, indications of load and iron. Lands can be purchased here on very reasonable terms
(Source: The Source is: P.M. Pinckard, The Missouri handbook, St. Louis, 1865, 162 pgs. Transcribed by Donna Walton)

Bates County was organized in 1833.
It was named after the second governor of Missouri, Frederick Bates.
The County Seat is Butler.
Parent County: Van Buren (now Cass)



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May 2022 - News/Accidents - Keith & Perry Coal Mine Explosion






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Adjacent Counties

Miami Co, Kansas (northwest)
Linn Co, Kansas (west)
Vernon County (south)
St. Clair County (southeast)
Henry County (northeast)
Cass County (north)


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