Pay Now Using Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express
A convenience fee of 2.3% for credit card payments will appear as a separate transaction on your credit card bill.
The fee will appear as a charge to 'Certified Payments'.
A convenience fee of $1.00 is charged for echeck payments.
Search Examples
To Search For:
Enter the Following:
In Step 1
In Step 2
Mary Smith (owner)
smith mary (then click Owner Name)
[leave blank]
account number 8560020030040906
8560020030040906 (then click Account No.)
[leave blank]
CAD Reference Number
R212884 (then click CAD Reference No.)
[leave blank]
8907 Park St (property location)
8907 park (then click Property Address)
[leave blank]
all accounts with statements requested by fiduciary number 2066
(Washington Mutual)
2066 (then click Fiduciary No.)
[leave blank]
all owners with a last name of Smith who live on Jackson Rd.
Smith (then click Owner Name)
Jackson (then click Property Address)
all accounts with statements requested by fiduciary no. 2066 that
are located in the NAVARRO COUNTY tax district