March 11, 2025



Kim Fanning, Treasurer

April VanDerWerff, Deputy

415 West First Avenue Suite 201
Miller SD  57362

                                                                          Office Hours: 8 AM to 4:30 PM

                                                                               Monday through Friday

Phone: (605)853-2136

E-mail:  –  –

Renew Your Car Registration online @ Home – my605Drive


SD Dept. of Motor Vehicles – Motor Vehicle | South Dakota Department of Revenue click on the link to Division of Motor Vehicles

For Motor Vehicle forms – GovOS

SD Dept of Game, Fish & Parks –South Dakota – Game, Fish, and Parks | South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks

State of South Dakota –South Dakota Official State Homepage – Citizen Services

To download State Tax Forms – Taxes | South Dakota Department of Revenue

Property Tax Collection

When people think of county revenues they often think of property taxes, which account for the majority of revenue in county budgets. The treasurer, as the tax collector is responsible for collecting all property taxes for the county, cities, school districts and any other political district authorized to levy real estate taxes.

Motor Vehicles

In South Dakota, the county treasurer is responsible for issuing motor vehicle titles, licenses and registrations on about 1 million vehicles a year.  Although the Division of Motor Vehicles is the central state office for maintaining accurate motor vehicle records, it is the county treasurer who enters the vehicle information into the central database.  This vehicle registration information is not only important to counties, but other state, local and federal agencies as well.  Vehicle licensing is an important responsibility and necessary for local governments.  The money generated (about $40 million) helps maintain your local roads and bridges.

County Investments

The county treasurer’s primary duty is to manage all county funds.  Because the treasurer receives money from other county offices, they are responsible for investing that money to help generate more money.