NOTICE: Due to scheduled maintenance, this site may be unavailable between 12 am until 6 am Saturday, February 1st.
This site provides
read access to tax record information from Northampton County,
Pennsylvania. To access this information, start by performing a search
of the property records data.
Please note that this site is considered a demonstration and, as such, the accuracy or currency of data cannot be guaranteed.
Assessment Division - (610) 829-6155
The Assessment division is responsible for the development and certification of tax rolls for County, Municipal and School district real property. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania requires that the County maintain a uniform system of property valuation. It is also required that County assessors successfully complete a comprehensive training course in assessment theory and pass a certification examination within two years of employment as an assessor. After certification, all assessors must participate in continuing education programs to maintain their certification. For more information and to download appeal forms and instructions
click here.
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