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Indiana Genealogy and History
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Welcome to Boone County, Indiana
History and Genealogy

Boone County Courthouse in Lebanon, Indiana

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Boone County was organized April 1, 1830, at that time the population was about 622 people by 1880 the county had grown to about 31,778. Lebanon wasn't always the County Seat. The first courts were held in Jamestown, which remained the seat of justice until the removal to Lebanon. The first Courthouse was completed in 1833, it is said that the formal transfer of the County Seat occurred that year. Lebanon was laid out in 1832 and the first settler was A.H. Longley. By 1849 it contained eight dwelling houses, four or brick and 76 frame, with a population of 500. Jamestown, by 1849, contained about thirty houses and had a population of 150. The present Courthouse, which was completed an dedicated July 4, 1912, is build of Bedford limestone.

Up until 1828, Miami Indians occupied the northwest corner of the county by stipulation of the government. The Indians lived, hunted, and traded for many years until they were run out of the area in 1834. The Indians covered Sugarcreek Township, two-thirds of Washington, half of Jefferson and five sections of Center Township, in all about 52,000 acres. Dating back to the early 1820's there was unbroken wilderness, no roads or mills, deep-tangled brush and vines, with a good portion of the area covered with water. Some of the first pioneers came to Boone County in 1823 or 1824. They came principally from Kentucky, North Caroline and Pennsylvania.

There were many settlers that arrived in the area around the same time. Some of the first to arrive were Patrick H. Sullivan, Jacob and John Sheets, David Hoover, A.H. Longley, Benj. Dunn, Austin Davenport, and the Harmon's just to name a few. Cornelius Westfall, David McCoy, Francis Howard, A.H. Phillips, James Williams, Lewis Dewees, Joshua Foster, John Horrell, Andrew Houston, Martin Lewis, James Blue, Jacob Sheets, E.P. Shannon, Frederick Lowe and John Long were the first group of men to comprise the Grand Jury.

The county at one time was low and level. Although it was low and level, it was no less the dividing summit of White River and the Wabash. The water flowed in almost every direction in Boone County, and it was said the highest point between lakes and the Ohio River were between Lebanon and Whitestown. Boone County was named in honor of Daniel Boone. It was organized in 1830, with only 622 citizens in the county. The principal streams in the county are Sugar Creek, Eel River, Big and Little Eagle Creeks, and Prairie Creek just to name a few. The streams at one time or another afforded propelling power for the mills and machinery.

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