Tax Bills Online
Town of Durham
Site last updated: 03/11/2025
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Welcome to the Town of Durham Tax Informational Search page.

This site has been provided as a service to our residents and business associates who are inclined to prefer to use technical resources.

Tax payment can be paid in person or mailed to: Janet Partridge, Tax Collector Town of Durham 7309 State Route 81 East Durham, NY 12423 Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (January 22nd Only) Online Payments accepted via check, cash or credit card (convenience fees will be assessed). Post-dated checks are not accepted. Bank of Greene County (Greenville Office) will accept payments through the month of January only. Payments will be received without penalty until January 31, or with a U.S. Postal Service Date Stamp of January 31. Payments made after this date should include the appropriate penalty due; amount can be found on your tax bill. Payments will be accepted through July 31, of the current year after which time the tax payer should call the Greene County Treasurer for payment instructions. The Treasurer's Office can be reached at 518-719-3530.

Mail Payments To:
Janet Partridge
Clerk / Collector
7309 Route 81 East Durham, NY 12423