Town of
Westport Island
Town Office
6 Fowles Point Rd.
Westport Island, ME 04578
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Closed on Federal & State Holidays,
and when local schools are closed
(207) 882-8477
Municipal Agent:
Tax Collector/Treasurer:
Town Clerk:
Select Board:
Calendar & Announcements
6/10/25 Municipal Election & RSU #12 Budget Referendum
Nomination papers for the 6/10/25 Municipal Election are available for the offices of Select Board 1 and Road Commissioner. Absentee ballot applications are also available now from the town office or by printing off a copy online and returning to the Town Clerk. Please see the Notice of Election for details.
Public Comment Period on Fowles Cove Oyster Farm through 3/11/25
Sarah Vanacore of West Boothbay Harbor has submitted two applications for Limited Purpose Aquaculture (LPA) licenses to the Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR) for the purpose of cultivating oysters in the Sheepscot River south of Fowle Cove. The Select Board will discuss these applications at their meeting on 3/10/25 at 6:00 PM at the Town Office on 6 Fowles Point Rd. The public is welcome to attend. The public may submit comments to the DMR for them to consider in their decision on whether to grant these applications through 3/11/25 by emailing or mailing comments to:
DMR Aquaculture Division
Hannah Brazier
Marine Resource Management Coordinator
Bureau of Public Health & Aquaculture
Maine Department of Marine Resources
21 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0021
RSU 12 Budget Presentation 3/24/25
Representatives of RSU #12 will present the 2025-2026 budget to the Select Board at their meeting on 3/24/25 at 6:00 PM at the Town Office on 6 Fowles Point Rd. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.
Invitation to Bid on Paving
The Town of Westport Island (hereinafter “the Town”) is accepting proposals for paving of Lower Main Road & Lower West Shore Road. Please see the Request for Proposals for details. Bids are due at the Town Office no later than 5:30 PM on Monday, 3/24/25.
Town Meeting Prep
The Town Meeting isn't until June 21st, but preparations start now! If you've got any thoughts on our ordinances, ideas for projects, or general input about the direction of the town, let the Select Board know at or (207) 882-8477, x.4.
Electric Sign
As I'm sure you've noticed, our new electric sign is up and running! Many thanks to all the people who pitched in to make this happen, particularly Gaye Wagner for laying the groundwork, and Jim Cromwell for laying the literal groundwork. Now please bear with me as I figure out how to work the thing and email me at with feedback.