Tax Assessor




Tax Assessor: Jessica Parker
401-568-6206, ext. 3


  • Tax Assessments are set annually as of December 31. Tax bills are usually mailed out in mid-July, annually
  • Tax bills under $100.00 are due on August 1.
  • Tax bills over $100.00 may be paid in quarterly installments due on August 1, November 1, February 1, and May 1.

Residential Real Estate $13.86 per $1,000 at 100% assessment
Commercial Real Estate $16.632 per $1,000 at 100% assessment
Tangible $28.50 per $1,000 at 100% assessment

The motor vehicle excise tax was phased out by the State of Rhode Island for the 2022 tax roll. Motor vehicles assessed and billed prior to the phase out are still due and payable.

Real Estate Tax Bills cover the current calendar year, assessed the prior December 31st.

The General Assembly changed the schedule for re-valuations several years ago. We are now on a 9 year cycle, with statistical updates every 3 years. Tax bills mailed out in July 2020 and due August 1, 2020 reflect the current market value as of December 31, 2019.

Tangible Property Tax Bills cover the prior calendar year. Tax bills issued in July 2016 cover January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015

All business owners within the Town are required, by law, to file a declaration listing the furniture, fixtures, equipment and inventory owned by the firm to the Tax Assessor. All declarations are due by January 31, annually. Extensions may be granted upon written request and must be received and/or postmarked no later than January 31. It is suggested that those responsible to file these declarations review RIGL §44-5-15, 17 & 26.

There is an exemption of $50,000 off the assessed value for each personal property tax payer. If a tax payer has multiple accounts, we will spread the exemption across all accounts.

The deadline to file an appeal on a Real Estate or Tangible Tax assessment is within 90 days from the date the first quarterly tax payment is due. The deadline for an appeal on a Motor Vehicle is 45 days from the date the bills are mailed.

Members of the Board of Assessment Review are appointed by the Town Council for six-year staggered terms. The Board reviews the appeals of any property owners who are still aggrieved after the Tax Assessor renders a decision on the original appeal.

To qualify for any of the below exemptions, one must be a resident of the State of Rhode Island and the Town of Glocester. Applications for exemptions must be filed with the Assessor on or before March 15th following the assessment date of December 31.

    The Town of Glocester does not currently offer a homestead exemption.

    Veteran's Exemption
    The applicant must have served in active duty in a qualifying conflict and received an honorable discharge, or who was discharged under conditions other than dishonorable, or who, if not discharged, served honorably, or the property of the unmarried widow or widower of that person in accordance with RIGL §44-3-4 and §44-3-4.2.

    You must provide a copy of your DD-214. If you are claiming 100% Service Connected Disability, you will need to provide additional documentation from the VA.

    You must be a resident of RI to receive this exemption. You will be asked for proof of residency.

    This exemption is applied to real estate first. If you own multiple properties, it should be applied to the real estate in the town or city of your primary residence. If there is no real estate to apply the exemption to, it can be applied to motor vehicles or other tangible property such as a mobile home or camper.

    A complete list of qualifying conflicts can be found on the State’s website:

    They can also be found on the Veteran’s Exemption application form.

    There is no occupancy requirement for a Veteran’s exemption, but the veteran (or widow/widower) must have ownership of the property.

      Current benefits for veteran exemptions:
      ~ Veteran/Widow(er) – $267.10 tax dollars (or $10,960 off the assessment of your motor vehicle)
      ~ 100% Service Connected Disability – $640.10 tax dollars
      ~ Prisoner of War – $15,000 off the assessment
      ~ 100% service connected disability with specially adapted housing – Please contact the Assessor’s Office.

    Gold Star Parent (1 only)
    The property of every person whose son or daughter has served with the armed forces of the United States and has lost his or her life as a result of his or her service with the armed forces of the United States, providing the death was determined to be in the line of duty.

      Current benefit for Gold Star Parent exemption is:
      ~ $80.13 tax dollars

    Property owners who are 100% disabled and meet the ownership, occupancy, and age requirements are eligible for this exemption. Disability means a permanent physical or mental illness rendering the person incapable of gainful employment and so certified by a licensed physician. This exemption is for real estate only. Mobile homes are not eligible for this exemption.

    Only one exemption will be granted per household regardless of eligibility of other owners.

    You will be required to show proof of age and residency. The Assessor may, at his or her discretion, request other documentation to prove eligibility for this exemption.

    You will need to provide a copy of your Social Security Notice of Award showing the date you became disabled.

    Your application will need to be signed and certified by a licensed physician.

    Age - You must be 64 years of age or younger on or before December 31 of the previous year. For example, to qualify for the 2019 tax roll, you must be 64 or younger on or before December 31, 2018. When you turn 65, you will be converted to the elderly exemption for the following renewal period.

    Ownership and Occupancy - The property must be your legal primary residence. You must own and occupy the property:

      For a period of not less than five (5) years immediately preceding the application if the property was purchased on or before August 17, 2017;
      For a period of not less than ten (10) years immediately preceding the application if the property was purchased on or after August 18, 2017

    Renewal – This exemption must be renewed each year. The Assessor’s Office will send out notifications at the start of the renewal period.

      Current benefits for the disability exemption:
      ~ $2070.00 tax dollars, subject to the minimum tax bill of $600

    Property owners who meet the ownership/occupancy and age requirements are eligible for this exemption. This exemption is for real estate only. Mobile homes are not eligible for this exemption.

    Only one exemption will be granted per household regardless of eligibility of other owners.

    You will be required to show proof of age and residency. The Assessor may, at his or her discretion, request other documentation to prove eligibility for this exemption.

    Age - You must be 65 years of age or older on or before December 31 of the previous year. For example, to qualify for the 2019 tax roll, you must be 65 on or before December 31, 2018.

    Ownership and Occupancy - The property must be your legal primary residence. You must own and occupy the property:

      For a period of not less than five (5) years immediately preceding the application if the property was purchased on or before August 17, 2017;
      For a period of not less than ten (10) years immediately preceding the application if the property was purchased on or after August 18, 2017

    Renewal – This exemption must be renewed each year. The Assessor’s Office will send out notifications at the start of the renewal period.

      Current benefits for the elderly exemption:
      ~$2,070.00 tax dollars, subject to the minimum tax bill of $600
      ~Additional $1,000.00 tax dollars, subject to the minimum tax bill of $600, when an applicant has reached 80 years with 20 years of ownership and occupancy. This is automatically added to the tax roll following the applicant’s 80th birthday. No action by the tax payer is necessary to receive the additional $1,000.

    The real estate owned and occupied by an owner who is totally legally blind, so certified by their eye physician, is eligible to receive an exemption. In order to receive this exemption, the applicant must provide documentation from the Dept. of Human Services, Office of Rehabilitation Services, Services for the Blind & Visually Impaired. Their offices are located at 40 Fountain Street, Providence, RI 02903-1898. Tel: 222-2300. Fax: 222-1328. Website

      Current benefit for the blind exemption:
      ~$1,552.47 tax dollars, subject to the minimum tax bill of $600

    Motor Vehicle with Wheelchair Lift
    Motor vehicle owners who show proof of installation of a wheelchair lift having been installed in their van/vehicle, are entitled to a 50% valuation reduction on that vehicle, provided that the vehicle is registered to the applicant or immediate family member; i.e.: son, daughter, etc. The applicant must inform the Tax Assessor of such vehicle prior to March 15th for the immediate tax year.

Minimum Tax Bill
Qualified owner-occupants after August 17, 2017, regardless of exemptions allowed on real estate, shall pay a minimum tax of $600 annually. If an exemption brings the tax bill below the minimum, the exemption will be prorated and the tax bill will be brought up to the $600 minimum until the entire exemption is exhausted.

Transferring Your Exemption
Exemptions can be transferred to a different property within the town provided the requirements are met as set out in the Town’s Code of Ordinances:
§ 247-11: Termination of exemptions

It is the property owner’s responsibility to contact the Assessor’s office in the event an exemption needs to be transferred to a different property.

All exemptions shall terminate upon the conveyance of the subject property, death of the person or persons exempted, or the moving of such person or persons from the Town of Glocester, or in the case of a disability exemption when the physical or mental illness is terminated.

The GIS Plat Maps are available online for viewing and printing. Because they are posted as Adobe pdf* files, you may need to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view and print the documents.

 If the property you are searching is in a subdivision, click here to view a guide as to the Assessor's Plat in which it is located.

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Tax Assessor
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Glocester Town Hall • 1145 Putnam Pike - PO Box B • Chepachet, RI 02814-0702
 Tel: 401.568.6206 • Fax: 401.568.5850 • Hours 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

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