Campaign Reports

Search campaign data by transaction type, committee name, date, and more.
Reports for state parties, PAC's, and candidates for state office, or a judge standing for retention.
Reports for county, city, school, and other political subdivision committees and all ballot issue committees.
Statements registering and dissolving committees.
Contributions in excess of $50 to Iowa committees from federal and out-of-state committees.
One-time contributions made by permanent organizations to Iowa committees.
Independent Expenditures made by organizations or individuals not done in coordination with candidates, PAC's, or parties.
Funds received by committees with unknown/unidentifiable sources that are remitted to the State of Iowa.
Reports that show the receipts and expenditures by state parties from their building fund accounts pursuant to rule 351-4.24.
Links to campaign in and a downloadable spreadsheet with committee information.

Ethics Reports

Personal Financial Disclosure Reports for required state executive branch officials and employees.
Agencies are required to report all gifts and bequests with a value of $50 or more within 20 days of receipt.
Officials and employees receiving compensation simultaneously from more than one executive branch agency.
Officials and employees selling a good/service to a state agency in excess of $2,000.
Consents given from the Governor's Office and regulatory agencies for sales/leases made by their officials and employees

Late Reports

List of late-filed campaign reports and associated penalties.
List of late-filed ethics reports and associated penalties.