Crime and Fire Logs

The ASU Police maintain daily logs of incidents where an incident report number was generated.

The logs are provided for public awareness while including information required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act with subsequent amendments.

The crime log and fire log for the most recent 60-day period is provided below. In accordance with the Clery Act and the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, logs are updated within two business days of the report of the information. To view older crime or fire log entries, or if you have questions about the logs, email the ASU Clery Office(link sends email), or call 480-965-3456. For information concerning fire safety and prevention on campus, go to ASU Environmental Health and Safety.

Crime Log | Fire Log


Daily crime log case disposition

Assigned to Investigations: A case that is under review by investigations.

Canceled — Report Pulled in Error: A case that was created in error.

Cited and Booked: A misdemeanor offense where at least one person involved in the commission of the offense has been (1) arrested, (2) charged, and (3) turned over to the court for prosecution.

Cited and Released: A misdemeanor offense where at least one person involved in the commission of the offense has been cited and released.

Closed (Civil Traffic, Petty Offense, Injury/Illness, Found Property): Case requires no follow-up action.

Exceptional — Death of Offender: The offender is deceased.

Exceptional — In Custody of Other Jurisdiction: The offender is in the custody of another jurisdiction.

Exceptional — Juvenile/No Custody: The offender is a juvenile who has been involved in a minor offense, such as petty larceny, and the agency has not taken him/her into custody, but rather by oral or written notice given to the parents or legal guardian.

Exceptional — Prosecution Declined: The Offense was reviewed by the prosecution and declined due to reasons other than a lack of probable cause.

Exceptional — Victim Refused to Cooperate: The victim refused to cooperate in the prosecution of the offense.

Long Formed and Booked: A felony offense is considered booked when at least one person involved in the commission of the offense has been (1) arrested, (2) charged, and (3) turned over to the court for prosecution.

MCAO — Final: Case has been reviewed by the Maricopa County Attorney's Office. Prosecution will not be pursued.

MCAO — Transmitted: Case has been investigated and sent to the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office for review to determine if prosecution will be pursued.

No Solvability Factors (Inactive): There are insufficient leads at this time to conduct further investigative follow-up.

Offense Did Not Occur (Unfounded): The case is determined through investigation to be false or baseless.

Pending Review — At Least One Solvability Factor: The case is pending review and has at least one solvability factor.

SRR Referral: The incident was referred to ASU Student Rights and Responsibilities to be handled administratively.

Transfer Other Agency: Primary jurisdiction belongs to another agency.

Warrant Arrest — No New Charges: The offender was arrested on a warrant and no new charges were added.

The disposition codes and explanations listed above are effective as of Aug. 24, 2021.