City of Shawnee

Business Licensing and Information

Operating a business or performing a service in the City requires a Business License. Business Licenses are issued by the Community Development Department. In most cases, the licensing year begins on October 1st and ends on September 30th.

A complete list of regulations can be found in Title 5 of the Shawnee Municipal Code.

General Regulations
Certain inspections may be required before the Community Development Department can issue a business license.  Please review the following requirements and contact the Licensing Specialist at (913) 742-6247 or at with any questions.

  • Fire Inspections may be required before the business can open if there is a change in use of the existing space.  Contact the Shawnee Fire Department (913) 742-6101.
  • Plan Review and Permitting may be required before the business can open. Contact the Community Development Department (913) 742-6011.
  • Planning Development Information for all site development construction, such as final grading, stormwater drainage improvements, compliance with stormwater detention ordinance and parking lot and drive approach construction, must be completed prior to the issuance of a business license.  Contact the Community Development Department (913) 742-6011.
  • Sign Permits can be obtained from the Community Development Department (913) 742-6011.
  • Building Permits may be required for new buildings or existing buildings that are being remodeled before a business license can be issued.  Contact the Community Development Department (Codes Division) at (913) 742-6010.
  • Building Inspection Requirements may vary depending on the use of the space and the type of business. Contact the Community Development Department (Codes Division) at (913) 742-6010.

For any questions regarding sales tax, please check with the State of Kansas Department of Revenue.

The completed Business License Application (pdf) and fee must be submitted by mail or in person to Community Development Department, 11110 Johnson Drive, Shawnee, KS 66203.  If you need to make minor changes or updates to your Business License, please contact the Licensing Specialist at (913) 742-6247 or at Before submitting a Business License application, please register your business with the Kansas Department of Revenue (KDOR).

The fees vary depending on the type of license. Some fees are prorated depending on the month in which the license is issued.

Other Applications