Delinquent Tax Certificate Sale
- All lands, lots, mineral rights and royalty interests in which taxes are delinquent and unpaid are subject to a tax sale at public auction.
The tax sale is held annually on the 4th Monday in August commencing at 10:00 A.M. in a circuit courtroom of the Jasper County Courthouse in Carthage.
Delinquent taxes with penalty, interest and costs due thereon may be paid to the County Collector no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Friday before the tax sale.
The list of properties subject to sale is published in a Jasper County newspaper for three consecutive weeks prior to sale.
The sale is conducted by the Jasper County Collector. Bidding begins for the amount of taxes, penalties and fees.
Each parcel offered for sale is individually identified by name, code# and brief legal description as it appears on the Assessor's rolls.
Buyer must provide missouri resident identification and sign an affidavit stating that he/she is not currently delinquent on any tax payments on any property. Failure to sign such affidavit, as well as signing a false affidavit, may invalidate the property purchase.
The Collector issues a Certificate of Purchase to the purchaser. The Certificate of Purchase is retained for one year or until the property is redeemed, not exceeding 18 months.
The total purchase price must be paid to the cashier BY THE CLOSE OF SALE. Cashier's check, personal check or cash will be accepted. No out-of-state checks will be accepted.
The purchaser may assign ownership of the Certificate of Purchase by completing the assignment portion on the bottom of the Certificate. The assignee must be a resident of Missouri, and must not be delinquent on any taxes. Such assignment must be notarized and presented to the Collector's office. A recording fee will be charged.
Liens are not extinguished at the time of the sale or during any period of redemption.
The purchaser will receive current tax statements each year on the property until it is redeemed or a Collector's Deed is issued; failure to keep the taxes current may result in the property being sold again at another tax certificate sale, resulting in the original Certificate of Purchase holder losing their interest in the property.
Notify the Collector's office of any address changes.