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💻DPS has hosted four training webinars (commercial, fire and two residential - IRCC and IECC - sessions) for the 2021 Code Adoption that becomes mandatory on Monday, March 31. The fifth and final webinar of this series, Energy/IgCC, will be held on Tuesday, March 18 on Microsoft Teams. Register today! Listen to the newest DPS Podcast episode for more information about the codes.

Online Services - Inspection Requests

Don’t know the Permit Number? Use Data Search to search by property address.
If you have trouble scheduling next day commercial inspections (before 12:00 PM), please call the Montgomery County Service Center at 240-777-0311 and ask to speak with a DPS Permit Technician to schedule your commercial inspections.

Please select one of the Search By methods below and define your search criteria first. Then, click the Search button to display the results. Fields with * are required items.
Search By:  
Application Type* Number* hide help
To search for a specific permit or license, select the Application Type from the dropdown menu, then enter the desired Permit or License Number, and click "Search". The DPS Web Site will then display details about the application (e.g., Site Address, Work Type, Application Date, etc.) and review and inspection status of the application. The results are displayed in the Details tab.

Search results are organized into sections, such as Application, Contractors, Licenses, Reviews, and Inspections, where applicable. Click a horizontal section bar to toggle between show and hide mode. The column header of both Reviews and Inspections listings also provide data sorting capabilities. The icon indicates an "un-sorted" status. Click a column header to toggle the list sorting between ascending () and decending () order.

Contact ID*
PIN* hide help
If you have trouble signing-in with your Contact ID and Personal Identification Number (PIN), please call 311 in Montgomery County or (240) 777-0311 outside of Montgomery County for assistance.

Registered user services

  • Display all the applications and permits linked to your Contact ID
  • Schedule inspections for issued permits
  • Cancel/reschedule inspections that are scheduled

After you have signed-in with your Contact ID and your Personal Identification Number (PIN), the system will display a summary of the number of applications and permits associated with your Contact ID for each type of application/permit.

All applications that have been submitted for which a permit has not been issued are shown as "In Process" state. Applications for which a permit has been approved and printed are shown as "Issued". Inspections can be scheduled for these permits as required. Permits that have completed all construction and required inspections, and have an approved final inspection are shown as "Finaled".

To view a group of applications (In Process, Issued or Finaled), click on the appropriate option listed in the left side. Reminder: Only those applications that are associated with your Contact Id will be shown in one of the stages (In Process, Issued or Finaled). If your application or permit is not listed in any of the stages, please contact us at 240-777-6370.

After selecting the group of applications, the DPS Permit System lists each permit number in the group, the permit type and the premise address for the permit. To view only a particular type of application/permit (e.g., only electrical permits), select the appropriate type from the "Show only:" dropdown menu on the right side of the display. To view the status, reviews and inspections for a permit number in the list, click on the desired permit number.

Contractor Type*
Search By

Information hide help
To locate information for licensed contractors, select the type of contractor from the list below, and then, using one of the three options below, enter the license number or contractor name or contact name, and click the corresponding button.
Street No* Street Name*

hide help
Please type in the property address (Street Number and Street Name) and click on the search button to display a list of matching addresses from the DPS Permit System. Then, select an address to display all applications and permits for the address. Note that Street number and Street name are required fields.

Note that the Street No* and Street Name* are required fields. All other fields are optional.

5-digit Zip*
hide help
Please enter a ZIP Code (5 digits, required entry) and click on the Search button to display a list of addresses in the desired ZIP Code. Note that the system will display only those addresses that have at least one application/permit in the DPS Permit System and will not list addresses where applications/permits do not exist.

The Street name field (optional) may be entered to narrow the search to a particular street within a ZIP Code. You may also enter a portion of the street name (e.g., the first few characters of a street name) to narrow the search within a ZIP Code.

After the list of addresses is displayed for your search, select an address to display all applications and permits. Then select the desired permit type to view detailed information for the application/permit.

Search Examples

  1. Entering 20905 for the ZIP Code and AMB in the street name field will return only addresses that start with AMB that are in the ZIP Code 20905.
  2. Entering 20905 for the ZIP Code and AMBERLEIGH in the street name field will return only records with a street name of AMBERLEIGH in the ZIP Code 20905.

Please use the Search Criteria to find an application first. Not all application types are eligible for online inspection cancelling. The online inspection cancelling function is available only if the application:
  • is one of the eligible application types,
  • is a valid and active application (not in void or stop work or inactive status), and
  • has at least one scheduled inspection.

Please refer to the Inspections page for more information.

Application Date* Open Calendar hide help
To display a list of applications that DPS processed for a date, click the Calendar tool to select a date. Then, click SEARCH to obtain the list of applications. To reset the form, click CLEAR.

The displayed list of applications for the user-entered date is initially sorted by Application/Permit Number (APNO). To sort the list by Application Type, click the appropriate column heading. To view the detailed information for an application, click on the APNO of interest. Additional information is then available for the Application and any associated Reviews and Inspections.