Sex Offenders ()
Allnutt, Kevin RayAnderson, Aaron MatthewAsher, Logan IsaiahBarclay, Ricky WayneBeck, Patricia MarieBernskoetter, Clint GeraldBrookman, Daniel RobertBrown, Anthony JamesBurnfin, William MerittBurns, Steven L.Calvert, Gary MichaelDixon, Michael DeanEspinoza, Javier LuisFischer, Bruce JordanGamble, Christina ElaineGannan, William Earl ElliottGardner, William DeanHaley, Justin DavidHarbert, Charles EdwinHatfield, Lorraine SueHelm, William Hines, Mickey JamesHoward Jr., Robert LeeHowe, Paul LeeJohnson, Robert WayneJones, Nathan AlanKepner, Marlan BrentKohl, Anthony J.Lawson, Donaven GageLightner, James GregoryLitzelman Jr., Henry JosephMann, Elton HowardMatthes, Derryl GeneMcCracken, Scotty DewayneMcCurley, Christopher AaronMyers, Daniel JamesPanholzer Jr., Joseph AllenRaymo, Eric LeeReed, Cody RobertRomero, Tyler GregorySampsel, Jason DarrenSanders, Michael Corteze DeshawnShan, David GeneSingleton, Adam R.Sneed, Curtis M.Wigchert, Jeremy RyanWilliams, Rodney EugeneWolf, Thomas RayYount, Keith Lynn
The addresses posted on this offender registry by the Livingston County Sheriff's Office may be in error due to the improper reporting by the offenders. Please report any errors to the Livingston County Sheriff's Office.