Norfolk County Registry of Deeds
William P O'Donnell  Register

Not a subscriber? This service offers both Free Access and Subscription (Log-in) options. Subscription access is required for printing scanned images. The fee structure for subscribers is a $100 annual subscription fee and $1 per page for print images. Subscribers make payments, in $100 increments, into prepaid accounts, and the system tracks printing charges against those account balances. So, the initial setup cost would be $200, $100 for the annual fee and $100 to fund the account. For the Application and Service Agreement, click here. If you have additional account related questions call 781-461-6116.

Official Pic

Click here to see the Register's Welcome video
Welcome to Norfolk County Registry of Deeds ONLINE RESEARCH. At this site we give the public full access to the same records available to anyone using the computer search screens at the Registry of Deeds building in Dedham, Massachusetts.
We have made available to you the following:
All scanned documents and indexes are available online. For computer access, two options are available, "Log-in" and "Free Access". The difference is that the Log-in option requires an annual subscription fee and is required for printing of clean or unmarked images. There is no charge for printing copies of land documents that have "not an official copy" at top of the document. Registry land records going back to the founding of Norfolk County in 1793 are available for online viewing. The Registry's online index is available from 1793 forward. You may also search by name and check the original grantor/grantee index pages in the Registry records which are available under "Scanned Index" from 1793 through 1955. Land Court records from the inception of the Land Court system in 1900 are available online. The Land Court online owner's index is complete and its grantor/grantee index is available from 1973 to the present. All certificates of title are available in the system.

The Land Court information provided on this site may not reflect the actual status of a Land Court property title. Reference should be made to the physical certificate(s) registered in the Norfolk Land Court to verify all activity for a particular title. These Land Court listings are not covered by MGL Chapter 185 section 46.

You can use any browser and device while using the "links" option to view and print documents. If you are running Windows 7 or higher and Internet Explorer 10 or higher you can still use the Browntech Image Plugin. To do so, click on the link and follow the instructions for downloading and installing the viewer.

This site uses Popups, certain functions such as the Print Cart, will not work if you have Popups disabled.

For more information, please see  HELP/SUPPORT/FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.

For search questions, please contact the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds directly at (781) 461-6101.

For Technical Assistance call the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds Information Technology (IT) Department at 781-234-3330 or email


Using this Service

The Norfolk County Registry of Deeds presents the information on this web site as a service to the public. We have tried to ensure that the information contained in this electronic search system is accurate. The Norfolk County Registry of Deeds makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content of this site or at other sites to which we link. Assessing the accuracy and reliability of the information is the responsibility of the user. The user is advised to search on all possible variations of proper names in order to maximize search results. We advise all users to review our guides Online Research IntroductionHow Names are Indexed in the ComputerHow To Search Land Records and What Type of Land is it?

Begin your search by name or address. Research is best accomplished by names. Address search is limited, with few entries prior to 2003.

This section provides you general access to our Registry database. You can search by Name, Address (very limited), Book & Page, Entry Date and Year & Instrument #. For records prior to 1900 you must know the book & page or you can search by Name using the Scanned Index tab.

This section provides you general access to our Land Court database. You can search by Name, Document #, Certificate #, Encumbrances and Entry Date. Land Court records from the inception of the Land Court system in 1900 are scanned and available online. The Land Court online owners index is complete, but unverified, and its grantor/grantee index is available from September 3,1985 to the present. Certificates of Titles prior to October 23, 2002 have been scanned, and since then all documents have been entered into the system. The Land Court information provided on this site may not reflect the actual status of a Land Court property title. Reference should be made to the physical certificate(s) registered in the Norfolk Land Court to verify all activity for a particular title. These Land Court listings are not covered by MGL Chapter 185 section 46.

All plans on file at the Registry of Deeds are available in this section including Land Court registration plans and plans filed with Land Court documents.

Search for YOUR deed

Homeowner Picture
If you own property in Norfolk County, we have made it easy for you to find and view your deed. Just click here and enter your name and town.