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- Lifelong Learning

ABC Mouse
9,000+ interactive books, educational games, puzzles, and award-winning online activities (ages 2-8+).
American Archive of Public Broadcasting
60 years of recorded history, at your fingertips.
Adults, All Ages, Kids, Lifelong Learning
Reviews, recommendations by genre, period, geography and theme, book club advice, author chats, and more.
All Ages, Book Recommendations
Britannica Library
Britannica Library includes the Encyclopedia Britannica and other valuable resources for adults and youth.
All Ages, Homework Help, Kids
CIA World Factbook
The World Factbook provides basic information on 266 world entities.

Chilton Library
Adults, Auto
Consumer Reports
Consumer Reports Subscription

Day By Day ID
Embark on an adventure together through books and reading and many fun-filled activities every day of the year.
EBSCO Learning Express
A highly-acclaimed eLearning for standardized test prep, career certification and more.
Adults, Lifelong Learning
HeritageQuest Online
Genealogical and historical sources for more than 60 countries, with coverage dating back as early as the 1700s.
Adults, All Ages, Genealogy, Kids
Borrow and enjoy audiobooks, eBooks, comics, movies, TV, magazines, or music everywhere, all you need is a library card.

Idaho Digital Skills
IdahoDigitalSkills.org offers Idahoans free access to online learning tools to increase their digital skills. Whether you’re learning how to use a mouse or applying for jobs online, there are a variety of tools and resources available.

Idaho Digital E-Book Alliance
All Ages, eBooks and Audiobooks
Download ebooks and audiobooks available to Valnet patrons. Place holds, create wish lists, and return titles easily.

Idaho residents have access to a vast array of databases and full-text magazines through LiLI (Libraries LInking Idaho).
Adults, All Ages, Kids
Little Pim
Little Pim is a learning platform for young kids using Mango Languages.

Mango prepares learners for realistic conversations and communication in over70 world languages.

Learn New Job Skills
A statewide initiative designed to get Idaho’s students ready for life after high school.
Adults, Career Building
Novelist K-8 Plus
Helps kids find books that are just right for their reading level and interests.
Book Recommendations, Kids
Novelist Plus
Information about books that includes expert recommendations, reviews, articles, lists and more.
Adults, Book Recommendations
Salem Online
Access full text of reference materials on a variety of subjects with Salem Press Online.
Adults, Lifelong Learning
Tech Talk
Adults, Lifelong Learning
Universal Class
Universal Class offers over 500 classes, many offering CEUs, and over 100 video-audit classes.
Adults, Lifelong Learning