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Formed in 1844, the county was named for Sen. John Taylor of Caroline.
Its county seat is Grafton
From: "History of West Virginia", 1889, By Virgil Anson Lewis:
Taylor county was formed from Harrison, Barbour and Marion, by act of Assembly, January 19, 1844, and named in
honor of General Zachary Taylor.
Pruntytown, then in Harrison county, was established a town under the name of Williamsport, January 8, 1801, on
lands the property of David Prunty, at a place called the "Cross Roads," and Robert Plummer, James Cochran,
John Asbury, Peter Johnson and Vincent Leek, were appointed trustees. By an act of Assembly, January 23, 1845,
the name was changed from Williamsport to Pruntytown. The act creating the county fixed the seat of justice at
Grafton, the present county seat, was incorporated March 15, 1856; Flemington, on the 16th of March, 1860, and
Fetterman, February 26, 1869.
Incorporated Cities and Towns
* Town of Flemington * City of Grafton
Unincorporated Communities
* Astor * Belgium * Blueville * Brownlow * Elliotsville * Fetterman * Hepzibah * Knottsville * Lucretia McGee *
Meadland * Millertown *
Oreide * Park View * Pruntytown * Rosemont * Santiago *Simpson * South Grafton * Tappan * Thornton * Webster *
Wendel * West Grafton

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West Virginia State Site
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