McNairy County, Tennessee
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Selmer, McNairy County, Tennessee is the County Seat since 1890. The 2000 Census shows, the population as 24,653.
McNairy County is well supplied with timber, consisting of oak, cypress, poplar, yellow pine, gum, walnut, hickory, etc. The county is watered with numerous creeks, among
which may be named Cypress, Tuscumbia, Snake, White Oak, Muddy, Oxford, Owl, Hugging, Sugar, Lick and Mud crocks. The majority of these streams furnish very good water power
for machinery. The Mobile and Ohio Railroad runs through the western half of the county. The principal products are corn, wheat, oats, hay, cotton, Irish potatoes, sweet
potatoes, sorghum and rye. The principal religious bodies are Methodists, Cumberland Presbyterians, Christians and Baptists. There are two high schools in the county—one at
Purdy and the other at Montezuma. County tax, 30 cents on 8100; school tax, 20 cents; and road tax, 5 cents. The green sand spoken of in Henderson County is very abundant in
The county is divided by a range of uplands, running centrally through it from north to south, with an eastern and a western slope. These slopes are divided into small
valleys by spurs which run out from either side of the central ridge. The soil of the highlands is argillaceous and sandy; that of the valleys a sandy loam and very productive.
Purdy is the county seat. Its population is 243. Adamsville, Bethel, Falcon, McNairy, Montezuma, Ramer, Stantonville and Chewalla are located in the county.
Hand-book of Tennessee By A. W. Hawkins, Henry E. Colton 1882
*** The County seat became Selmer in 1890
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