Welcome to
Madison County, TN
Genealogy and History
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Madison County Information
Madison County was created on November 7, 1821, from the Western District, and was named in honor of President James Madison.
The earliest settlers, however, arrived during the preceding two or three years.
The surface of the county is gently undulating, in some parts hilly with some broad alluvial bottoms.
The soil is a sandy loam with clay subsoil, and is generally fertile, and has many fine farms and well improved homes.
The county seat is Jackson.
Humboldt (partial) ~ Jackson ~ Medon ~ Three Way
Unincorporated Communities
Adair ~ Beech Bluff ~ Denmark ~ Five Points ~ Mercer ~ Oakfield ~ Pinson ~ Spring Creek
Top Site Contributor

Donald G. Smith

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In memory of
Christine Walters
who hosted this county for many years.

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