Health Department

Health Department - Fayette County
The Fayette County Department offers many different public health services for infants, children, adolescents, and adults.
We’re open M-F, 8am-4:30pm.
Walk-ins are welcome!
To schedule an appointment at our clinic, please call:
Do you need a birth certificate? Bring $15 and this completed form: Click Here!
See if you and your family qualify: Click Here
STD Field Services is an essential link between clinic services and infected persons or those at risk for acquiring a sexually transmitted disease.
Some of the core functions of Field Services are:
The Tennessee Department of Health is responsible for immunization requirements for those who attend child care, pre-school, school and college. The current immunization requirements are in the Tennessee Department of Health Rules.
The Official Immunization Certificate is available in local health departments through the Tennessee Immunization Information System (TennIIS).
Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment, or EPSDT, is a program of checkups and health care services for children from birth until age 21 to detect and treat health problems. EPSDT checkups are FREE for all children who have TennCare. In Tennessee, the EPSDT program covered by TennCare is called TennCare Kids.
The Fayette County Health Department can perform Wellchild Exams, or Child Health Physicals, for children with private insurance. Call us for more details on which insurances we accept.
Health Department Staff
Fayette County Mayor’s Office
P.O. Box 218
13095 North Main Street
Somerville, TN 38068