106 North Street West, Ripley WV 25271
I would like to welcome
you to our website which has been created for the
benefit of all Jackson County taxpayers. As a
taxpayer you have every right to expect straight
answers to your questions. We here at the Assessor's
Office strive to provide the kind of public service
that citizens need and deserve. Most people don't
mind paying their taxes as long as they feel they
are being treated fairly. Above all, an Assessor
must strive to be fair. Here in Jackson County, we
have been blessed by many factors in our favor.
Interstate 77 and an excellent road system, one of
the best public school systems in the state, and a
major aluminum manufacturing facility which employs
thousands of county residents. The taxpayers and
their Assessor have a major part to play in the
economic future of Jackson County. If you have any
questions concerning your property assessment,
please call me at 304-373-2240. Our office
is now located in the Jackson
County Courthouse Annex (Keller Building) at 106
North Street, W. in Ripley. The Office is open
Monday thru Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m and
closed for lunch from noon to 1:00 p.m.
If you, or an organization such as a school group
would like to visit the Assessor's Office, please
feel free to call us and we'll be happy to schedule
a tour. We enjoy sharing with you, how your
government works. I hope that
you will find this website to be helpful in
understanding the role of the Assessor's Office.
Thank you.
Brian K. Thomas
Jackson County Assessor
The Jackson County Assessor's
Office is an appraisal office, not a taxing office.
This office is responsible for assessing all
taxable property within the County and must work to
treat tax payers as fairly as possible. The Assessor
has the following basic responsibilities:
Locate all taxable property in the County and
identify the ownership.
Establish a value for all property subject to
property taxation.
the value of all property on the assessment roll.
all legal exemptions.
Deliver Certificates of Property Valuation to the
County levying bodies.
Contrary to popular opinion the
not determine your property tax bills.
not collect your property taxes.
not establish the property tax laws.
not set the rules for property appraisal.
These rules are determined by the
The Assessor does not impose
property taxes. This office determines the value of
all taxable property, both personal and real, in the
County. The methodology for determining value is
outlined in State Code. Property values constantly
change with depreciation, inflation, and other
market conditions. The State of West Virginia
requires that each assessor review and update the
Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal System (CAMA) on an
annual basis for the appraisal of real estate. This
means that your value may go up or down slightly in
any given year. If your value increases over 10% in
any given year, you will receive a written notice of
increase of assessment. If you disagree with the
value you should contact this office and share any
information and reasons attesting to a different
market value for your property.
If an agreement on the value of your property cannot
be reached, an appeal can be made to the County
Commissioners who will convene as a Board of
Equalization and Review during the month of February
each year. You will be asked to state the value of
your property and support that value with a
certified appraisal, real estate insurance
documentation, or other items.
The assessment books maintained by the Assessor's
Office are always available for public inspection.
The 1990 State Wide Revaluation
Legislation and Property Valuation Commission
requires that the Assessor must maintain all real
estate at a value equal to existing market
conditions. The Jackson County Assessor's Office
maintains a highly trained staff to ensure that this
County is assessing property equitably and as fairly
as possible.
The actual levy rates are
determined by the West Virginia Legislature (for the
Board of Education), the County Commission and the
two municipalities. Levy rate sheets are prepared
for your convenience and may be obtained in the
Assessor's Office. Current year
levy rates for Jackson County can be viewed by
clicking here or on the Levy Rate navigation button
to the left.
Over 70%
of property tax
dollars go to the Jackson County Board of Education.
County government receives about 20% which is
used to support the Courthouse and various services
such as: Community
Development Projects
For a History of Jackson
County click here
For Key Dates & Online
Resources click here
To view Levy Rates
click here
Frequently Asked Questions click here
Jackson County Assessor's Office 106 North
Street West Ripley, WV 25271 304-373-2240