Real Property
Land and all buildings, structures or improvements and includes, but is not limited to:
- Homes
- Condos
- Apartment buildings
- Mobile homes permanently fixed in location on the land owned by the owner of the mobile home
Real property tax account numbers are 10 or 12 digits.
Personal Property
Generally used in the operation of business activities and includes, but is not limited to:
- Furniture and fixtures
- Machinery and equipment
- Supplies and materials not held for sale
- Floating homes and mobile homes in a mobile home park or on leased land are also billed and collected as personal property
Personal property tax account numbers are 8 digits. It is not necessary to include the 4200 number found on the tax statements.
If you do not know your tax account number, go to the Property Tax FAQ page - How do I find my real property parcel/account number?