Board of Listers

The Listers are in the Town Office most Tuesdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, or by appointment.

The position of Lister is an elected office and is held in terms of three years. The Town of Mount Holly has three Listers.

The current Listers are Carol Garrow-Woolley, David Johnson and Mary Surething.

The Listers’ Office appraises all real property subject to taxation at its fair market (or equalized) value, and prepares the Grand List. The Grand List is a compilation of data utilized to create property tax bills. Information contained in the Grand List includes property owner(s), property location, file identification and tax map number, and assessed value. The Listers are governed by Title 32 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated.

(located in the Mount Holly Town Office) 
50 School Street
Mount Holly, VT 05758
(802) 259-2635


Homeowners Guide to Property Revaluation
Frequently Asked Questions
Reappraisal Process
Valid Sales YTD


All new building construction in excess of $1,000 must be registered with the Board of Listers of the Town of Mount Holly. Registration forms are available here for download. Forms may also be accessed in hard copy at the Town Office. Please return the completed form and $25 fee to the Town Clerk.