County Government
Grundy County Mayor | Assessor of Property | Chancery Court | Circuit Court Clerk | Clerk's Office | Director of Schools | Election Office | General Sessions and Juvenile Court | Register of Deeds | Sheriff's Office | Trustee's Office
Michael Brady
Grundy County Mayor
68 Cumberland Street, Suite 133
Altamont, TN 37301
( 931) 692-3718
(931) 692-3721 Fax
Email the Mayor
Grundy County Mayor
The Grundy County Mayor is the chief financial officer of the county and exercises a role of leadership in county government. My primary duties focus on county financial management. I have a strong role in the budgetary process and I present the budget to the budget and finance committee and the county commission. I serve on many boards and serve as the spokesman for the county. This office is responsible for accounts payable, payroll and administration of grants. But, the most important job as county mayor is to improve the quality of life for the citizens of our county. |
Daniel Crabtree
Grundy County Assessor of Property
68 Cumberland Street, Suite 112
Altamont, TN 37301
(931) 692-3596
(931) 692-3597 Fax
Email Daniel Crabtree
Assessor of Property
The Grundy County Assessor of Property is a Tennessee constitutionally elected official who serves the citizens of their county for a four-year term. The Assessor’s office retains all the property maps for the county. It is the Assessor’s responsibility to discover, list, classify and value all property within the jurisdiction of Grundy County. We work constantly to keep this office up-to-date with information for the public. The Grundy County Assessor’s staff must appraise and assess approximately 11,000 parcels of property. All appraisal information and the Grundy County Maps can be accessed online at www.comptroller.state.tn.us. It is an honor to serve the citizens of this wonderful county. If we can assist you with any questions or concerns about your property, please feel free to contact us. |
Patricia Campbell
Grundy County Chancery Court Clerk
68 Cumberland Street, Suite 200
Altamont, TN 37301
(931) 692-3455
Email Patricia Campbell
Chancery Court
Chancery Court is a Court of equity. The Clerk and Master is the principal administrative aide to the Chancery Court. This office files pleadings, issues summons and subpoenas, prepares dockets, collects court costs and receives and disburses payments ordered by the court. My office also handles probate court and processes, collects and or sells property with delinquent taxes among many other duties. The Clerk and Master is appointed by the Chancellor for a six-year term pursuant to the state constitution. As the Grundy County Clerk and Master, I will endeavor to assist the public in every manner and means available to me. |
Penny Sons
Grundy County Circuit Court Clerk
68 Cumberland Street, Suite 206
Altamont, TN 37301
( 931) 692-3368
(931) 692-2414 Fax
Email Penny Sons
Circuit Court Clerk

The Grundy County Circuit Court Clerk also serves as the General Sessions and Juvenile Court Clerk. The clerk attends and performs all clerical functions of these courts, maintains all files and preserves the minutes of Circuit and Juvenile Court. We record all court judgments/decrees and receipts and disbursements in all cases while performing very similar duties in Criminal and Civil General Session cases.
It is an honor to serve as your Circuit Court Clerk. My staff and I are committed to you. We will work hard for you and treat everyone in a professional, courteous, and fair manner.. |
Tammy Sholey
Grundy County Clerk
68 Cumberland Street, Suite 101
Altamont, TN 37301
(931) 692-3622
Clerk's Office
The Grundy County Clerk’s office is relied upon to meet several of the public’s needs. For example, the issuance of titles, tags and renewals of all types of vehicles which is used on and off the highways of our great state and county. Other responsibilities within the clerks office include issuance of TN drivers license, identification cards, marriage license, business license, beer license, gross receipts taxes, boat registration, telephone taps, handicap placards, along with the collection of state and local sales tax on motor vehicles, boats and beer within Grundy County. |
Dr. Donald C. Durley
Grundy County Director of Schools
P.O. Box 97
Altamont, TN 37301
(931) 692-3467
(931) 692-2188 Fax |
Director of Schools
The Grundy County Director of Schools is responsible for the daily operation of the school system and reporting to the board of education the financial state of the system. |
Garry Miller
Grundy County Administrator of Elections
68 Cumberland Street, Suite 122
Altamont, TN 37301
( 931) 692-3551
(931) 692-3573 Fax
Email Garry Miller
Election Office
>Sample Ballot | >Voting Precinct
The election office’s primary function is to coordinate all county elections. We promote and encourage voter registration and voting. Keeping up with new election laws and maintaining constant address changes in the office is an on-going process. Choosing sate approved voting systems for the county and educating voters on the operation of these systems is also one of our primary purposes. Most importantly, we are here to serve the voters, candidates and citizens of Grundy County.
William R. "Trey" Anderson III
Grundy County General Sessions and Juvenile Court Judge
68 Cumberland Street, Suite 206
Altamont, TN 37301
( 931) 692-3368
(931) 692-2414 Fax
General Sessions and Juvenile Court |
Gayle VanHooser
Grundy County Register of Deeds
68 Cumberland Street, Suite 118
Altamont, TN 37301
(931) 692-3621
931) 692-3627 Fax
Email Gayle VanHooser
Register of Deeds
The Register of Deeds office is responsible for filing or recording documents which affect the legal status of real property. The registers office also serves as a collection agent for the State of Tennessee while collecting recording taxes due as required by law. The Register of Deeds office works to insure that your land records are first recorded with accuracy, preserved for years to come, while allowing the records to be easily accessible to the property owners of Grundy County and those that represent you. We pride ourselves on the service we lend to all that come in contact with this office. We are constantly working to improve our records management as to offer a large data base of information and images. Our records can be accessed through www.ustitlesearch.net. This website also offers a fee calculator to determine cost of recording a document. I truly enjoy serving the people of this great county! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to stop by or give us a call. |
Sheriff Heath Gunter
Grundy County Sheriff
227 Maple Street
P.O. Box 218
Altamont, TN 37301
(931) 692-3466
(931) 692-2400 Fax
Email Sheriff Heath Gunter
Sheriff's Office
The mission of the Grundy County Sheriff's Office is to lawfully and ethically carry out the duties mandated by the State of Tennessee while protecting the rights of all citizens as provided by the State Constitution and the United States Constitution. Additionally, the Sheriff’s Office will maintain social order and provide professional law enforcement services to citizens in the community, within prescribed ethical, budgetary, and constitutional constraints. This agency strives to enforce the law and maintain order in a fair and impartial manner, recognizing the need for justice, and consistent appearance of justice. The Sheriff recognizes that no law enforcement agency can operate at its maximum potential without supportive input from the citizens it serves. This agency actively solicits and encourages the cooperation of all citizens to reduce and limit the opportunities for crime and to assist in bringing to justice those that break the law.
Tyler McCullough
Grundy County Trustee
68 Cumberland Street, Suite 116
Altamont, TN 37301
(931) 692-3369
Email Tyler McCullough
Trustee's Office
The Grundy County Trustee’s office acts as a treasurer or banker for the county and serves three primary functions: (1) collecting all county property taxes (all property, real and personal, tangible and intangible, must be assessed for taxation by the state or its political subdivisions unless property is declared to be exempt by some provision of Tennessee law): (2) keeping a fair and accurate account of all money received; and (3) investing temporarily idle county funds. The trustee administers a state funded tax relief program to help the elderly, disabled and disabled veterans or surviving spouse of a disabled veteran or veteran whose death resulted from a service-connected cause pay their property taxes. Applications must be completed no later than 35 days after the February tax payment deadline. The trustee and staff strive to provide a honest, efficient and courteous service to the citizens of Grundy County. Please come by or call us at anytime. |