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Haywood County Information
Haywood County was founded in 1823. It was named in honor of Judge John Haywood who served as judge on the Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals, 1816-1826.
The county is generally level or gently undulating. The soil is a sandy loam and very productive. Timber is abundant and of good quality, consisting of hickory, ash, gum, poplar, walnut and numerous other varieties. The navigable streams are Big Hatchie and Forked Deer rivers. Other streams are Big Muddy, Lagum, Mud Creek and Sugar Creek. These streams afford fair water powers.
Brownsville is the county seat, and has a population of 2564. Other towns are Dancyville, Stanton, Woodville and Wellwood. The principal agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats, hay, cotton, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes and rye. [Source: "Hand-book of Tennessee" By A. W. Hawkins, Henry E. Colton, 1882]
Haywood County was later reduced in size, when both Lauderdale and Crockett Counties were created from its territory.
Communities of Haywood County
City: Brownsville
Town: Stanton
Unincorporated Communities: Belle Eagle ~ Christmasville ~ Nutbush

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