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Eaton County  |  MI
Eaton County  |  MI
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  • Please Read Before Proceeding

    Current Tax Payment information is not updated as payments are made. Current tax payments are due and payable to the local unit (City or Township) from July 1 to the last day of February of the following year. Example: 2014 taxes July 1, 2014 to February 28, 2014. (The City of Grand Ledge is due August 1 of each year rather than July 1.)

    Village Taxes are payable to the Village from July 1 to September 14 each year. After September 14 they are due to the County with penalties.

    Contact your local municipality for current tax information.

    Delinquent Tax Payment information is updated each evening with all payments.

    Current Assessment Details updated daily. We do not have building detail information such as building square footage. We only have values, acreage size, recent sales, owner name, legal description & address. There is currently no charge for the info but that could change in the future.

    Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability
    The County of Eaton's property and tax data is hosted on a BS&A Software website and is a representation of the Eaton County assessment and tax records. The information is for reference only and solely for the individuals making inquiries. Specific questions should be referred to the appropriate County department. Eaton County expressly disclaims any and all warranties, expressed and implied. The information published on this site could include technical inaccuracies and is subject to change as current information is obtained.

    Pay Delinquent Real Property Taxes Online!

    The Eaton County Treasurer's office is now accepting delinquent real property tax payments online. Partial payments also accepted.

    To pay your delinquent taxes online:

    1. Click the Delinquent Tax Payments link to the left, located under the Online Payments heading. (Click the down arrow next to Online Payments if you don't see the link). This will take you to the Delinquent Tax Online Payment Service page.

    2. Search your parcel by name, address, or parcel number, then select your parcel number when it appears in the search results.

    3. In the box that appears under the heading, Pay Delinquent Taxes on this Parcel, click either:

    a. The Pay in Full box next to the Tax Year(s) due to make full payment for each tax year due or,
    b. Type in the amount of payment you would like to make against each year's amount due in the Amount to Pay box for each Tax Year.

    4. Choose your Payment Option in the drop down box at the bottom of the page. Payment options are:

    a. Credit Card (2.4% convenience fee will apply)
    b. Debit Card (1% convenience fee will apply)
    c. E-check ($2.50 flat fee will apply)

    5. Click on the Make Payment button.
    6. Provide payment information on the payment pages that follow.
    7. Print your receipt once payment is submitted.

  • Parcel ID Instructions

      **Disclaimer: BS&A Software provides BS&A Online as a way for municipalities to display information online and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the data herein. This data is provided for reference only and WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind, expressed or inferred. Please contact your local municipality if you believe there are errors in the data.