Town of Hampton

Town Clerk & Registrar of Vital Statistics

The Office of the Town Clerk will close at 5 p.m. on Thursday, February 20th.

The Office of the Town Clerk is the repository for the maintenance and safekeeping of records for the Town of Hampton.

Our fire-proof vault houses land records, Town Meeting minutes, Town Ordinances, birth / marriage / civil union / death records, land surveys, election records, trade names, liquor permits, contracts, town reports, veterans discharge filings, Town board / commission / agency agendas and minutes, listings of Notaries Public, Justices of the Peace, audit reports, and other historical documents.
In addition to maintaining records, the Town Clerk’s Office is the place to go for absentee ballots, certified copies of vital records, dog licenses, marriage licenses andvoter registration forms.
Marriage Licenses
If the ceremony is to be performed in Hampton, you must obtain your marriage license in the Hampton Town Clerk's Office.   Please make an appointment by calling (860) 455-9132.
The license is valid for sixty-five days from the date of application.  Following is the procedure for obtaining a marriage license:
  • Complete a Marriage License Worksheet with pertinent information. The information provided on the worksheet is used to create the printed license and is maintained by the Town Clerk until the license is returned following the ceremony. The worksheet is available from the Town Clerk or downloaded/printed from the Resources tab on this web page. 
  • Both parties to be married must appear together and in person.
  • Present Valid photo identification.
  • The cost is $50.00 for the license and $20.00 for a certified copy – cash or check payable to the Town of Hampton. After the ceremony, the original is returned by the officiator to the Town Clerk for permanent filing and a certified copy is mailed to the newlyweds. Additional certified copies are available from the Town Clerk for $20.00 each.


Vital Records
Indexed listings of births, marriages, civil unions, and deaths since 1786 are in the vault. (There is "unofficial” information available in a two-volume set written by Jonathan Clark in 1854 that goes back farther than 1786.) Actual certificates for vital events are existent from 1906. If anyone knows what might have happened to the certificates predating 1906 PLEASE contact the Town Clerk! Might they be in someone’s attic or garage, or….?
Marriage and Death records are public (with certain restrictions). Access to birth records is restricted to qualifying persons. Please call the Town Clerk for information regarding accessing restricted records. Application for certified copies of records may be made in writing or in person to the Town Clerk. See the Basic Fee Schedule Link below for details. Application forms can be downloaded from the Documents List below by clicking on the appropriate Request for Copy form.
Click here to access:
Absentee Voting 
Applications for absentee ballots are available from the Town Clerk’s office and are available on the Secretary of State’s website
For most voting events, the application form is ED-3. 
In the event of a referendum with less than three weeks notice, the correct form is ED-3R
Please be sure to read the valid reasons for voting absentee in Connecticut.  One of the categories must apply.  Applications may be dropped of at the Office, mailed, or dropped into the "OFFICIAL BALLOT BOX" kiosk at the town hall.  Applications may be faxed to 860-455-0517 or emailed to However, the original application form bearing the voter’s signature must be returned with the ballot in order for the vote to be counted.  
There is also a provision for an emergency absentee ballot for voters who become ill or hospitalized near the date of the voting event.  That application form is the ED3-E.
When a completed application is received, the ballot will be issued immediately, either through the mail to the address the voter indicates, or in person, or to a designee if ED3-R or ED3-E is appropriate. 
Completed ballots must be received before the close of polls on the day of the vote.
For permanently disabled voters, a permanent absentee ballot process is available to qualified voters who submit an absentee ballot application (with no event date indicated) along with a doctor's statement of disability on office letterhead.  
A ballot will be sent automatically without further application.
Please call 860-455-9132 ext 1 if you have questions or if you would like to apply for permanent absentee status.  
Land Records
The vault in the Town Clerk’s office contains deeds of sale, mortgages and other records affecting real property in the Town of Hampton dating from incorporation in 1786 to the present. Records prior to 1786 are most likely in Windham, or sometimes Canterbury or Brooklyn. Documents must be either originals or certified copies to be accepted for recording on the Land Records. There is a fee for recording; see the Basic Fee Schedule Link below for details.
Images for recorded documents from June 15, 1936 forward are available to view orpurchase on-line. Click on this link:
Every transfer of ownership (including those between spouses and others for no consideration) must be accompanied by a Connecticut Department of Revenue Services Real Estate Conveyance Tax Return. Blank forms are available from the Town Clerk.
Unlawful Restrictive Covenants Form or Affidavit available on "RESOURCES" tab or in the Office of the Town Clerk: Connecticut Public Act, No. 21-123 
Dog Licensing:
All dogs must be licensed annually in June.  Proof of valid rabies vaccination and spaying/neutering is required.  See fees and application below.
Other Helpful Links
Town Clerk & Registrar of Vital Statistics has no upcoming meetings
Kaye H Johnson

Town Clerk

Term End: 01/05/2026
Elaine Corey-Zincavage

Assistant Town Clerk

Term End: 01/05/2026
Town Clerk & Registrar of Vital Statistics

860 455-9132 Ext. 1

Email Address


Tuesdays 9 am to 4 pm.
Thursdays 10 am to 7 pm


Hampton Town Hall