Summit County Probate Court continues to provide services such as; New Day Court, Senior Visitors, Guardianships, Marriage Licenses, Adoptions and Senior Summits. Read this and much more in the State of the Court.
Marraige License Information

Congratulations! As you prepare for your wedding, one of your stops is to visit Probate Court to get your marriage license.
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Every child deserves to grow up in a loving family, and adoption is one way in which a person can provide a loving home for a child.
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It’s not easy to lose a loved one. In addition to dealing with heartbreak, you may be asked to settle the “estate.” Where do you begin?
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If age or infirmity takes away an individual’s ability to make good choices, the Probate Court will appoint a guardian.
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Judge Stormer Receives Award for Excellence

Oct 18, 2022
Over 30 years of Innovation and Integrity Celebrated (Summit County, Ohio-September 2022) – Summit County Probate Court Judge Elinore Marsh Stormer has been recognized with the 2022 Thomas J. Moyer Award for Judicial Excellence. The Ohio Bar Association declared Stormer as the clear choice for this year’s award due to her innovations that have reshaped judicial practices and created groundbreaking firsts in Ohio and Summit County throughout her career. The Moyer award annually recognizes a judge who displays outstanding qualities of judicial excellence including integrity, fairness, open-mindedness, knowledge of the law, professionalism, ethics, creativity, sound judgment, courage, and decisiveness. The Ohio State Bar presented the award on September 15, 2022, at their annual meeting at the Ohio Judicial Conference in Columbus. In her many years of service, Judge Stormer has been a trailblazer who transformed systems at nearly every level of judicial practice. While serving in Akron Municipal Court, she began the first Municipal Drug Court and the first Mental Health Specialty Court in Ohio. When she was elected to the Court of Common Pleas, she began a model Reentry court to help offenders returning from prison become productive citizens. While serving as Probate Court Judge, Stormer initiated New Day Court, the first in Ohio for those who have been civilly committed. New Day court assists participants in avoiding return trips to the hospital and provides a path to recovery for those suffering from severe mental illness. “Judge Stormer has been a leader in bringing therapeutic jurisprudence to Ohio and, throughout her impressive career, has accomplished many firsts,” said Ohio State Bar Association President Judge Dean Wilson. “Her creativity, open mind, and integrity are the hallmarks of a great leader that Chief Justice Moyer so valued and Judge Stormer is a wonderful example of a public servant who is dedicated to helping her community.” The Judge was unable to attend the evening but sent this video as acceptance: View Acceptance Video The Moyer Award, established in 2010 by the Ohio Bar honors the late Chief Justice Thomas J Moyer who served from 1987 to 2010. In Probate Court, Stormer also began a Mediation Program and a free Help Desk as well as the Senior Visitor...
Britney Spears Would Have More Protections In Summit County Courts
Recent national media reports reveal a series of horrific issues around guardianships…Read The Complete Article
Betty Lin-Fisher: Tips For End-Of-Life Planning At Any Age
Death is certainly one of those topics most people don’t want to think about. But taking some steps to plan for your death is one of the most loving things you can do for your family…Read the Complete Article