NYC Health

Text reads: Every New Yorker, without exception.

    Every New Yorker, regardless of immigration status or ability to pay, has the right to quality health care and City services.

    Learn more about our commitment to all New Yorkers and the services available to you.

A man smiles and points at his shirt which reads: I heart my quit coach. Text: You can double your chance of successfully quitting with free help from an amazing quit coach and free nicotine medications.

    With help from your quit coach and free nicotine medications, you can double your chance of successfully quitting smoking.

    Learn more about free help available to help you quit.

Addressing Unacceptable Inequities: A Chronic Disease Strategy for New York City

    Chronic and diet-related diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and screenable cancers are leading causes of death in NYC.

    The Health Department's new multiagency strategy addresses the root causes of chronic diseases to support longer, healthier lives for all New Yorkers.

Image of three older women talking. Text reads: Healthy is within your reach.

    Anyone can lead a healthier, longer life — regardless of who they are, where they live or where they are from

    Learn more about healthy lifestyles and tips to improve your overall health and well-being.

Abortion. Safe + legal for all in New York City.

    Abortion is a safe and common service that is available to all patients seeking care in NYC.

    The Abortion Access Hub provides confidential support for anyone seeking abortion services.

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