Adams County, Indiana
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Adams County, Indiana  

Blue Creek - Ceylon - Curryville - French -  Hartford - Linn Grove - Jefferson -  Kirkland - Magley 
Monroe - Peterson - Preble - Root -Salem - Union - Wabash - Washington

County Seat: Decatur

Year Organized: 1836
Square Miles: 339.97

Court House Adams County Indiana

Adams County
This county was named in honor of President Adams. The surface is level, being beautifully undulating in some quarters. There are no barren lands, and but little wet prairie. There is a considerable portion of bottom lands, but the greater portion of the county is upland, heavily timbered. In some of the wet prairies of this county we find the water-shed from which the waters run both toward the St. Lawrence and the Mississippi. In these swampy sections are definable traces of beaver dams. The soil is mixed clay and marl, and is said to improve with continued cultivation. Timber was originally in abundance, consisting of oak, hickory, buckeye, ash, beech, elm, linn, walnut, sycamore, poplar, and cottonwood. The principal water courses are the Wabash and St. Mary's rivers. In this county they are about equal in size, their average breadth being about one hundred and fifty feet. The St. Mary's was formerly navigated by flat boats, but is now obstructed with mill dams. This county has made good progress in agriculture, commerce and education. Decatur is the county seat, and is but twenty-one miles from Fort Wayne. It is a flourishing city, with excellent incorporated schools, substantial buildings, well kept streets, and thriving commercial interests, with good railroad facilities.


Online Data

Biographies Birth Index
Birth Notices Cemeteries
Census Data Churches

County Records

Death Index
Family Bibles and Records History Topics
Marriage Records Marriage Notices
Military Records Miscellaneous
News/Brevities Obituaries and Death Notices
School Records Wills and Probate Records
Website Updates: Now mobile friendly!

News: Pursuit of a squirrel

Directory: Indiana Manufacturers and Buyers' Guide, 1889
Historical Landmarks

Disasters - Geneva's Great Fire

Dec 2018:
Directory: 1868 Decatur
News article, Rev. War Soldiers



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