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Flood Information

This web page is hosted by the City of Visalia for the purpose of providing important information to the citizens of Visalia on the new FEMA flood maps that became effective June 16, 2009.
The web page also serves the purpose of providing important information to the citizens of Visalia that include:

  • Knowing your flood hazard
  • Insurance information and flood zone determinations
  • How to protect yourself from a flood
  • How to protect your home from a flood
  • Flood zone construction requirements
  • Understanding natural flood plain functions of Visalia, click here

Click the links under “Exploring Visalia” Menu to the left for these and other services.

In addition, the City of Visalia has prepared a number of useful maps and tools using our Geographic Information System (GIS) that are based on digital data provided by FEMA that show flood zone information on the new FEMA flood maps that became effective on June 16, 2009.

For additional help, the City of Visalia has a flood insurance and flood map assistance phone line at (559) 713-4640 or contact us via e-mail at

You can also visit FEMA’s flood smart website and FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program website for additional assistance regarding flood information and insurance information.


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