Plymouth County Laws and Codes Search
Public Records Search
Laws and CodesSearch or view the City of Brockton code of ordinances, current as of ordinance number G076, January 27, 2011.
Laws and CodesSearch or view the Town of Abington town charter and code of ordinances.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Bridgewater Town Council agendas, orders, ordinances, and resolutions.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Carver bylaws including adopted amendments and special acts adopted through June 14, 2011.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Halifax town code of ordinances by chapter number and subject.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Hanover general bylaws as amended to the annual town meeting of May, 2012.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Hanson general bylaws by article number and description.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Hingham general bylaws by article number and title.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Hull general bylaws by chapter number and subject.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Kingston bylaws and regulations by title.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Lakeville general bylaws with amendments through July 2012.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Marshfield town charter, general bylaws, and policies.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Mattapoisett general bylaws by article number.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Middleborough town charter as revised June 13, 1995.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Norwell town charter by article number and title.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Plymouth general town bylaws, state acts accepted, and town charter with 2012 updates.
Laws and CodesSearch or view the Town of Rockland town charter and code of ordinances.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Scituate code of general bylaws as revised April 9, 2013.
Plymouth County Codes, Regulations and Other Search
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