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How to track my package?

Our package tracker helps you locate your parcel real-time updates with ease and convenience. Simply click your package carrier and enter your tracking number on the official website, and wait to see the whereabouts of your package every step of the way. Try it, and get instant results in seconds.

What is the FedEx tracking number look like?

Fedex tracking numbers typically consist of 12 to 15 digits, although in rare cases, they can be longer, ranging from 20 to 22 digits. These numbers do not include any letters and serve the purpose of tracking the package's status.

Where can I find the FedEx tracking number?

To find your FedEx tracking number:

  • Check the shipping confirmation email.
  • Examine the shipping label on the package.
  • Refer to the receipt or invoice.
  • Contact the sender. Enter the tracking number on the FedEx website for updates.

How late does the FedEx deliver?

FedEx often delivers parcels from 8 am to 8 pm, including Saturdays. If your notification states "end of the day," it means your package will arrive by 8 pm.

Why is my FedEx package not moving?

There could be several reasons why your FedEx package is not moving. It could be due to delays in transit, customs clearance, or unforeseen circumstances like weather conditions or natural disasters. Additionally, packages may experience occasional scanning gaps, causing tracking information to not update immediately. If you're concerned about your package, it's best to contact FedEx customer service with your tracking number for further assistance and clarification on the status of your shipment.

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