New Haven County Laws and Codes Search
Public Records Search
Laws and CodesSearch or view the Borough of Naugatuck code of ordinances with online content updated on April 30, 2014, including enacted legislation not yet codified.
Laws and CodesSearch or view the City of Ansonia charter and code of ordinances with online content updated on April 22, 2014.
Laws and CodesView City of Derby code of ordinances by chapter and charter.
Laws and CodesSearch or view the City of Meriden charter and code of ordinances.
Laws and CodesView City of Milford code of ordinances and charter by chapter.
Laws and CodesSearch for the City of New Haven legislative documents such as resolutions, ordinances, agendas, minutes, and board members.
Laws and CodesSearch or view the City of New Haven municipal code of ordinances codified through ordinance No. 1675, enacted April 16, 2012, including enacted legislation not yet codified.
Laws and CodesSearch or view the City of Waterbury charter and code of ordinances by title.
Laws and CodesView City of West Haven city code and charter by chapter.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Beacon Falls town ordinances and regulations.
Laws and CodesSearch or view the Town of Bethany municipal code of ordinances.
Laws and CodesSearch or view the Town of Branford town charter and code of ordinances.
Laws and CodesSearch or view the Town of Cheshire municipal code of ordinances including supplement history and enacted legislation not yet codified.
Laws and CodesView the Town of East Haven town charter and code of ordinances by chapter.
Laws and CodesSearch or view the Town of Guilford charter and code of ordinances.
Laws and CodesSearch or view the Town of Hamden code of ordinances. 2012 S-17 Supplement contains local legislation current through Ord. 592, passed 6-7-10.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Hamden town charter effective November 8, 2011.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Madison code of ordinances by chapter and title.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Madison town charter by chapter and title.
Laws and CodesSearch or view the Town of North Branford town charter and code of ordinances.