Litchfield County Laws and Codes Search
Public Records Search
Laws and CodesSearch or view the City of Torrington city charter and code of ordinances with online content updated on November 26, 2014.
Laws and CodesView Town of Bridgewater code of ordinances by title.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Canaan current ordinances and regulations by title.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Goshen town ordinances by title number and description.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Morris town ordinances by title and description.
Laws and CodesSearch or view the Town of New Milford charter and code of ordinances.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Plymouth code of ordinances by title and description.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Plymouth town charter by chapter and description.
Laws and CodesSearch or view the Town of Watertown town charter and code of ordinances codified through ordinance Number 05-15-2006-273, enacted May 15, 2006.
(Supplement No. 2) -
Laws and CodesView the Town of Winchester and the City of Winsted bylaws and ordinances by section number.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Winchester town charter as amended in 2001.