Knox County Laws and Codes Search
Public Records Search
Laws and CodesView the City of Rockland city code and city charter.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Appleton ordinances including floodplain ordinance, subdivision ordinance, shoreland zoning ordinance, and more.
Laws and Codes, Sustainability and Environmental HealthView the Town of Camden ordinances, policies, and bylaws including floodplain ordinance, subdivision ordinance, and others.
Laws and Codes, Sustainability and Environmental HealthView the Town of Cushing ordinances including road ordinance, shoreland zoning ordinance, floodplain ordinance, and more.
Laws and CodesView the Town of Hope ordinances including land use ordinance, subdivision ordinance, and more.
Laws and CodesView Town of North Haven ordinances and policies including land use ordinance, wind turbine ordinance, and more.
Laws and Codes, Sustainability and Environmental HealthView the Town of Owls Head ordinances including zoning ordinance, shoreland zoning ordinance, floodplain ordinance, sewer ordinance, and more.
Laws and CodesView Town of Rockport ordinances and policies including sewer ordinance, subdivision ordinance, land use ordinance, and more.
Assessor and Property Tax Records, Laws and CodesView the Town of Saint George town documents and reports including real estate sales reports by month, newsletters, and ordinances including addressing ordinance, floodplain ordinance, shoreland zoning ordinance, or more.
Laws and CodesView the Town of South Thomaston ordinances by title and effective date.
Laws and CodesView Town of Thomaston ordinances including archive of past ordinances.
Laws and Codes, Sustainability and Environmental HealthView the Town of Vinalhaven ordinances including floodplain ordinance, land use ordinance, and others.
Laws and Codes, Sustainability and Environmental HealthView the Town of Warren ordinances including floodplain ordinances, land use ordinance, shoreland use ordinance, and others.
Laws and Codes, Sustainability and Environmental HealthView the Town of Washington ordinances including floodplain ordinance, land use ordinance, subdivision ordinance, and others.