Douglas County Vital Records Search
Public Records Search
Birth Records, Court Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Employee Directory, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView Douglas County Clerk general information page, including information on services provided.
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsSearch Douglas County Digital Records Room for marriage licenses by first and last name.
Assessor and Property Tax Records, Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Land Records and Deeds, Marriage Records, Property Records, Vital RecordsSearch Douglas County land records by year of purchase, address and name.
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Employee Directory, Land Records and Deeds, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView Douglas County Recorder general information page, including phone number, and address.
Birth Records, Death Records, Divorce Records, Genealogy Records, Marriage Records, Vital RecordsView Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health vital records requirements, including certified copies fees and who can apply.